Peggy Chiang
Born and raised in Taiwan, Peggy immigrated to the US at the age of 12 and resided in New York with her family. Upon graduating with a Bachelor's Degree in Hospitality Management at the New York Institute of Technology, Peggy held the position of Executive Office and Marketing Coordinator at the InterContinental New York Barclay. Besides pursuing her professional career, Peggy has continuously involved in the music industry groomed by her parents. Raised in a musical family, Peggy grew up playing both the violin and piano. She has helped taught and coach the Harvest Youth Philharmonic Orchestra in Little Neck for 7 years while her parents were the directors. Peggy has also performed with her family numerously at various different churches in the greater New York area, and toured in China and Taiwan. Following her parents’ footsteps, Peggy also teaches young children fundamental music theory, beginner violin, and piano practice techniques. Currently, Peggy is working as an professional Mandarin Interpreter assisting limited English proficiency people while teaching students on the weekends. Peggy is also a volunteered Secretary-General of New Asia Chamber Music Society. Planning and organizing varieties of concerts, workshops, and other events every year, combining her passion in music and skills in management.
出生於台北,Peggy在12歲時隨家人移民至美國定居在紐約。Peggy畢業於紐約理工學院服務業經營管理學系,畢業後更是在知名酒店紐約巴克萊洲際大酒店工作。除了專業工作以外,Peggy也跟著音樂家父母的腳步,一同教導下一代的小音樂家。從小在音樂家庭中成長,Peggy從小學習小提琴和鋼琴,雖然沒有選擇進音樂院,但程度也是相當的。而後,Peggy跟隨父母一同建立了豐收青少年管弦樂團,在7年的時間裡除了代理樂團指揮,還教小提琴新生,甚至曾兼任樂團秘書。Peggy在現任專業口譯工作以外,會在週末時間或閒暇之餘教小朋友基礎樂理、小提琴初學,還有鋼琴練琴技巧。Peggy也有在新亞室內樂協會 (New Asia Chamber Music Society) 志願擔任秘書長一職,結合對音樂的喜好和管理的能力,每年幫忙舉辦各式音樂會、講座,和其他活動。