
台北國立藝術大學的學士、碩士,密歇根州立大學音樂藝術博士。李女士擁有超過20年的教學和表演經驗,曾任密歇根州Albion學院和Marshall音樂學院的教職員工。 在獲得台北國立藝術大學的學士學位後,李老師獲​​得M.M. 密歇根州立大學音樂藝術博士學位。 李女士擁有超過20年的教學和表演經驗。 在移居紐約之前,她曾是密歇根州阿爾比恩學院和密歇根州馬歇爾音樂學院的教職員工。 她曾在沃頓表演藝術中心擔任沃頓中心表演藝術家合作夥伴,並獲得好評。 在過去的18年中,Lee博士成功地幫助了許多學生為鋼琴和理論專業的NYSSMA和ABRSM考試做準備。

生於一個教師家庭,教學一直是她的號召和熱情。 她喜歡使用不同的方法和想法來幫助學生更好地理解音樂,享受音樂和表達音樂。 儘管她的工作很忙,但李老師總是抽出時間在當地的非營利組織做志願者,並通過音樂幫助年輕一代。

After receiving a bachelor’s degree from Taipei National University of the Arts, Monica Lee earned M.M. and D.M.A.( Doctor of Musical Arts) from Michigan State University. Ms. Lee has over 20 years of teaching and performing experience. Prior to moving to New York, she was a faculty member of Albion College , MI, as well as Marshall Music School in MI. She served as Performing Artist of Wharton Center Partner at Wharton Center of Performing Arts and has received favorable reviews. Over the past eighteen years Dr. Lee has successfully helped numerous students prepare for NYSSMA and ABRSM exams in piano and theory.

Born in a family of teachers, teaching has been her calling and passion; she likes to use different methods and ideas to help students understand music better, enjoy music more, and express musically. Despite her busy schedule, Dr. Lee always find time to volunteer at local non-profit organization and help young generation through music.